Skill Building

A platform for young innovators to learn next gen tech skills

Robotics is a great way to Engage Kids Learn to Code and develop 21st Century Skills

The World is changing faster than ever before. The Changes that would happen in next 10 Years would be much higher than those in Last 100 Years. We are in a period of Great Transformation and COVID’19 has accelerated changes in Various domains Like Education, Technology, Health. Technologies Which are driving this change are

Sensory & Motor Skill

Sensory and motor skill development is the process whereby a child gains use and coordination of his/her muscles of the trunk, arms, legs and hands (motor development), and begins to experience (through sensory input) the environment through sight, sounds, smell, taste and hearing.

Cognitive Development

Cognitive development means the growth of a child’s ability to think , read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. Working together,  take incoming information and move it into overall development.

Creativity Imagination

Imagination builds social-emotional development by allowing children to contemplate different resolutions, thus boosting children’s confidence, which can be used in interactions with others. Imagination and creativity are also skills that our children will need when they join the workforce of the future

Critically Solving Project

Critical thinking refers to the ability to use knowledge, facts, and data to effectively solve problems and find solutions.

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It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Get Started

Robonauts India is a pioneer in the field of Robotics education, our programs/Courses are globally acclaimed and have gained applaud from schools/Colleges, parents, and students.