Skill Building

Sensory & Motor Skill

A platform for young innovators to learn next gen tech skills

What is Sensory Motor Skills

Sensory motor skills (also known as sensorimotor skills) are those we use to take in information about the world through our senses and to develop our body’s movement, or motor, response to that information (if we need to jump out of the way of a speeding tricycle that we see headed our way, for instance). We take in information about the world through our systems of vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, balance and spatial orientation (called the vestibular system), and proprioception (position, motion, and equilibrium).

It’s difficult to know exactly what interferes with a child’s sensory motor skills – sometimes the factors are genetic, sometime environmental – but children do run into trouble in this area. It shows up in difficulties with motor planning, the ability to plan and organize oneself to do a brand-new task. Children with motor planning disorders may seem clumsy or accident-prone, or confused when trying something new.

Sensory motor skills are some of the most complex we humans have, and they are the foundation of all we learn. All our movements as babies – creeping, crawling, reaching, pulling, rolling over, and babbling – integrate our brain’s hemispheres and set us up to learn even more complex activities and tasks as we grow.

How can I help my child’s sensory motor skills?

Sensory motor play can be incorporated in fun play based activities each day! Sensory activities involve sensory stimulation. Activities for sensory motor play can be simple or complex based and should be varied to provide multiple sensory experiences.

  • Jumping-jumping on different surfaces such as a trampoline, on the ground, from floor to couch, on a bed, etc.
  • Playing catch with a variety of objects with different textures. Catch can be played with stuffed animals, oranges, balloons, clothes, Frisbees, etc.
  • Hanging upside down-to increase spatial awareness and vestibular skills
  • Rolling your child in a blanket or climbing through fabric tunnels
  • Playing with play dough and hiding small beads or coins in the dough to have your child “find” while manipulating the dough for harnessing fine motor skills
  • Playing with finger paints for exposure to new textures
  • Blowing whistles, bubbles, pinwheels or having a cotton ball race with blowing for breath support and control.
  • Doing dot to dot puzzles or mazes to increase visual tracking skills.

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